The World Refugee Day was marked since June 20, 2001 to recognize the people who fled the fighting in homeland to start and live their survival new life as refugees. COERR also joined the World Refugee Day Event organized in refugee camps every year. In June 2019, COERR commemorated the World Refugee Day in all 9 camps with the UNHCR theme “Take a Step with Refugees”. In addition, Reuse and Recycle Fashion Show was another main focus of World Refugee Day Event in Ban Umpiem in which children and youth participated in making clothes from reused and recycled materials.
The Reuse and Recycle Fashion Show convinced audience of the possibility to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste in order to save natural resources and protect our environment. There were 14 youth participated as fashion models. There were also a number of 120 children and youth performed their walk campaign and collected garbage along the public areas to make their community a healthier place for living.

World Refugee Day in Mae La, the biggest refugee camp among the 9 camps in Thailand, with the Theme: “Take a Step with Refugee”, had drawn 700 participants’ attention. There were religious ceremony in Buddhist, Christian and Muslim tradition in the morning. Then there were varieties of cultural performance by different indigineous living in the camp.

World Refugee Day in Nupo camp had 300 refugees participated in its several activities.

World Refugee Day at Ban Mae Lama Luang and Ban Mae La Oon camps had hundreds of refugees participated in variety of activities including the opening speech that motivated and convinced refugees of their values to continue living their lives as best as possible in whatever situation they are.
COERR at the World refugee day event in Ban Tham Hin and Ban Don Yang camps on June 18 and 20, 2019 respectively.

Ban Mai Nai Soi and Ban Mae Surin camps in Mae Hong Son Province also commemorated the World Refugee Day with cultural and environmental activities including tree planting by organizations’ representatives.
